
Showing posts from January, 2021

Six Words

Finding six words for a bio or some sort of introduction is harder than you think. In writing my six words I wanted to give a sense of movement and intention. My curiosity has led me in many directions in my career and artistic endeavours. Connections and the ability to connect people together has been a driving force in my career and helps me make sense of the use of technology. Connecting dots is also a reference to reading music. The simple dots on a page, ordered and designed have such a profound affect when interpreted by a musician. It may also refer to lines of sight (you only need two dots to create a straight line) or it may lean toward lines of flight. The dot painting is synonymous with Australian indigenous artworks. Dots that group together and form something magical, larger than the viewer.  Curiosity led adventures.  Connecting the dots. 

A Dialogue Starts

I'm joining #WalkMyWorld project run by Ian O'Byrne. There is a series of Learning Events coming up and I will use this blog space to respond to that. Week 1 starts by connecting and talking about dialogue. Multimedia and dialogue I have setup a Pixton Comic Classroom. Join link: .  I'm hoping that others can join in this space and add comics as a way of responding to the Learning Events.